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Writer's pictureAnnie Larson

Astrology February/March 2019 Horoscope

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Life is a party this month as you celebrate with friends. Careful not to overdo it! Take time to reflect on the past year and gain new insight on your next trip around the sun. You have the urge going into March of reinventing yourself. With Uranus shifting from retrograde in Aries to direct and moving into Taurus March 6, you may see a shift in your parents’ lives or may want to invest in your own roots and invest in land. Pay extra attention to finances while Mercury is in retrograde March 5-28.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Your charm and luck are with you in many aspects, career, love, etc. Time to knuckle down and get organized. Clear off the clutter from your desk and file all that paperwork! You will have the discipline to accomplish great things before the usual distractions return. A shifting Uranus into Taurus March 6 has you using technology to its greatest advantage. Look for changes with your siblings’ lives. Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces March 5-28, so look for an ex returning to visit you.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Mars, ruler of Aries, will continue its transit in Aries until February 14th which will give you the energy you need to “fight the good fight.” Use your natural born charm to persuade those around you. Plans made earlier in the year begin to take shape and payoff is on the horizon. Hard work at the office leaves little time for social life. Moving into March, all work and no play leaves you feeling dull. Phone a friend or make plans to meet. Watch for discussions, evaluations. or configurations in the workplace during Mercury’s retrograde March 5-28.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Feeling restless, you may make some poor choices with your love life. An older person is helpful to you at work. March has you spending time alone sifting through those things that are most important to you. You may experiment with a new image or look. Wellness and how you care for yourself shifts with Uranus movement into Taurus March 6. You crave all things comforting, good food, good music, and good company by yourself.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You’d rather be at home than out and about. You want to bring changes to your personal appearance, perhaps a new hairdo. March leaves you in a bit of a bad mood. By month’s end you might feel as though things are not going your way. Look for spiritual breakthroughs and ways you can contribute to society with compassionate humanitarian ways. Watch out for fighting with loved ones. Look for real estate discussions during Mercury’s retrograde March 5-28.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Life is looking up. You are open to new opportunities, perhaps a new job, and you’re open to new people to date or meet. Moon child, you find yourself downright charming for Valentine’s Day. All this activity has you back in your shell for March to recharge your energies, where you’ll be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. Social networking will spark with energy as Uranus move into Taurus March 6th that will usher in years of you being drawn to quirky and unusual people.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

What you say has great meaning these next two months. There are times you may want to keep quiet to avoid conflict especially with loved ones and your boss. By March you will be reassessing your goals for how you want to spend time doing what you do for a career. Perhaps it’s time to branch out on your own or take a sabbatical. If you work with technology, be prepared to explore and seize opportunities in pioneering new technologies as Uranus moves into Taurus March 6th. Look for getting out of financial contracts or collaborations during Mercury’s retrograde March 5-28.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Good news may be on the way in February especially pertaining to you career. Be mindful of how you talk to other as you could put your foot in your mouth. The first week in March finds you having a bit of good luck that carries you through the rest of the month. Look for the 4-leaf clover as your life and career get a bit of a boost. Have your passport ready as international travel for educational or humanitarian reasons might present itself sometime after March 6th.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

You are hyper-focused on career, but don’t let this stand in the way of having a good time. You might feel as though you have lost your way in March. Your abilities to manifest will help you reach your desired outcomes and put you back merrily on a good path. Tune into your dreams as the deepest part of you might awaken to a new way of being. Uranus moving into Taurus March 6th might bring about changes not only in your spiritual way of being, but your joint finances may undergo changes in the years to come, freeing you up for new adventures ahead. Mercury in retrograde March 5-28 will bring you back to a heightened sense of spiritual being.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You may feel as though you’re in a fog unable to see things clearly. The fog will begin to lift as the months change. Your intuition is heightened as you clearly feel other people. The shift from Uranus in Aries to Taurus March 6th will shake almost every aspect of your life especially in partnerships, relationships, and contracts. If freedom from partnerships is what you seek, now is a good time to explore that for they will end in a pleasing manner for both parties. March 5-28, during Mercury’s retrograde, is a good time to clean out your circle of friends.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You’re working well with other people. You’re assertive with drive and ambition to work with others in flow and harmony. Look for career breakthroughs. Focus on health and fitness maintenance daily as it’s a good time to begin a new routine as Uranus moves into Taurus March 6th. Fitness and health might tie into career ambitions. Don’t be surprised if a pet adopts you. The timing is great to add a furry friend to your life and it will support your health and well-being.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

This time of year brings up sacrifices for opportunities. How far are you willing to go to get what you want and at what price? March brings unconventional ways of doing things, allowing new ideas instead of the usual traditional ones that bring you more comfort. Look at cleaning out your house either figuratively or physically. Make room for baby (which may be a project rather than an actual child) as Uranus in Taurus, beginning March 6th, brings new creative ideas for you to birth.

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