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Writer's pictureAnnie Larson

Astrology April/May 2020 Horoscopes

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

Horoscopes April/May 2020

By: Annie Larson, certified psychic medium & astrologer

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Aries (March 21-April 19) Mercury turns direct on April 2, has you still feeling that you are not making progress until Mercury enters Aries from April 12th to the 27th. Supported by Mars, your ruler, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, this is a time for action towards change especially in your foundation. April is a great month to clear out any old emotions or burdens that you have been carrying. The new Moon in Gemini, May 22nd, has you briefly distracted from your goals. An unusual proposition the middle to later part of May might over commit your precious time. Look before you leap.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) April 3rd, Venus, your ruling planet, enters Gemini bringing love and romance. April 19th the Sun enters Taurus as you spring into treating yourself and slowing down. A day of pampering may be just what suits you. The new Moon in Taurus, April 22nd, brings focus to financial security. The end of April brings new promises and commitments to partnerships. May 12th Venus turns retrograde in Gemini has you rethinking romantic commitments. Things turn sour on May 21st. Slow down investing towards the end of the month.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) April is a bumpy start but moves along with an opportunity to travel. Venus enters Gemini April 12th boosting your love life perhaps broadening your relationship with a significant other. Saturn retrograde in Aquarius May 10th brings a tricky time for any negotiations with not enough information. Wait to make final decisions well after the new Moon in Gemini May 22nd. May 12 Venus turns retrograde in Gemini making relationships difficult to maintain. A flame from the past might return to test you. Time to let go.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Business meetings do well the first two weeks of April. April 7 full Moon in Libra, the third super Moon of 2020, something unusual happens that has you change your mind. Share your hopes during the super Moon May 7th in Scorpio that brings up endings, beginnings and transformations. Your shadow side has nowhere to hid the light of this super Moon. Make an effort to heal any differences with loved ones during Venus retrograde in Gemini that begins May 20th.

Leo (July 23-August 22) You may be deceived by or be misunderstood by someone you trust around the middle of April. Watch financial matters and deception from the super Moon in Libra, April 7th thru the new Moon in Taurus April 22nd. Stay away from the fray. Romance blooms in the super Moon May 7th in Scorpio that can be quite intense. Love takes a new turn May 20th with Venus retrograde in Gemini. Capitalize executing plans with Sun, Mercury, and Uranus in Taurus, supported by Jupiter, Pluto, in Capricorn most of the month.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) Get in touch with some of your old hang-ups during the super Moon on April 7th in Libra. Become more playful! Negotiations in the beginning part of April do a 180° after April 15th. You may be left with a mess by relying on others to be responsible. Keep your eyes open from April 18th onward. In May your work load will expand but support will not. You may feel overworked and underappreciated. Be extremely cautious signing any contracts in the super Moon in Taurus May 7th. Tread carefully in precarious situations at work.

Libra (September 23-October 22) Venus enters Gemini April 3rd and turns retrograde May 12th. This can be a difficult time to maintain relationships. April 7th the super Moon in Libra illuminate solutions to some issues you’ve been dealing with. You have lost patience in marriage or partnerships. Staying involved may only bring you sorrow. Joint finances are highlighted in May. Look before you leap so you know what you can afford. Until the new Moon in Gemini on May 22nd, you may not make the best financial decisions. Save making majors decisions until the end of the month.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Disenchantment in a partnership leaves you feeling unsteady. Explore the core of who you are in the balancing super Moon in Libra April 7th as you may be able to save an important relationship. Launch new projects after April 17th to feel fully supported. By the time of the super Moon in Scorpio May 7th, the effects of any conflicts will be apparent. The situation will mend or you’ll be free of the relationship. Shared resources and cooperation will be strained the later part of May.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Find time for self-care and pampering as you may be overly obligated beginning in April. Mars in Aquarius April 3rd brings renewal and change. Jupiter, your ruling planet, remains in Capricorn with Pluto conjunct April 4th, continuing a time for financial gains and completing projects. Chronic issues require getting to the core of them in May. Don’t be lazy about your health. You may be feeling unsure of your needs. Partnerships take on a special focus during the new moon in Gemini on May 22nd.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Home, family (especially siblings) help with an important decision in April. Business presentations and projects go well the first half of April with Capricorn conjunct Pluto beginning April 4th. May 11th Saturn, your ruling planet, turns retrograde in Aquarius you may find a new way to approach old obstacles. The super moon on May 7th in Scorpio brings good feelings regarding affairs of the heart. You thrive with an adventurous vacation away that leaves you feeling renewed and refreshed.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) April, even though Mercury goes direct April 2nd, your “get-up-and-go” may have “gotten-up-and-left” leaving you feeling sluggish and stuck. You may feel out-of-control which is zapping your physical energy. Get in touch with your emotions for help and let go of things that aren’t working for you. Affairs at home with family need your attention during the super Moon in Scorpio May 7th. A fresh approach in your personal life will emerge. The new Moon in Gemini May 22nd will have you walking away from people and places.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Mercury turns direct April 2nd as travel plans emerge. Travel may still have frustrations. Letting misunderstandings with siblings alone is the best course of action for now. Focus on your finances as your ruling planet, Jupiter, conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn beginning April 4th. You are able to find a deeper relationship during the super Moon May 6th in Scorpio. New opportunities emerge after the new Moon in Gemini on May 22nd. Listen to your intuition as the facts that are presented may be misleading.

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