Horoscopes October November 2020
By: Annie Larson, certified psychic medium & astrologer
Contact to book a reading: www.MediumAnnieLarson.com
Libra (September 23-October 22) Take special care with finances during the first week of October as Pluto goes direct October 4th. You may not have all the facts until after October 13th as Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio. Follow your hunches during the new Moon in Libra October 16th. Something isn’t adding up. Travel leads to romance. Mars in Aries accentuates partnerships. Venus, your ruler, in Virgo for most of November leads to emotions from your past. Uranus retrograde in Taurus, in aspect to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, modifies finances with major changes to your assets.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) With Mercury in your sign for most of October it is a great time to travel. Plan to tackle tough projects or make big purchases until Mercury turns retrograde October 13th. Relationships need special care before the full moon in Taurus, October 31st, as one may unintentionally dissolve. The new Moon in Scorpio November 14th makes for a significant time for renewal as you grow more confident. Uranus retrograde in Taurus in aspect to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn reminds you to trim expenses and watch your assets. Mars retrograde in Aries may destabilize your health in October and diffuse your career into November, until November 14th when Mars turns direct.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Mars retrograde in native Aries has your creative juices flowing. Under Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn a reorg of money matters continues. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio until October 27th with Uranus in Taurus brings introspection with a renewed outlook. You are clearing your path for progress well into November. Mercury direct November 3rd in Libra is a time for important analysis. Do your homework and investigate as you may reveal something unusual. The Sun in Sagittarius November 21st radiates your natural enthusiasm and a sudden shift at work may present itself.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Career is highlighted with Sun in Libra, till October 22nd. Advertising and publishing are the best paths for growth. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio October 13th supports this and your long-term plans. Venus trine Saturn, your ruler in native Capricorn, ignites your love life. Mercury retrograde until November 3rd brings an old love back into the picture, but your feelings change November 19th as Venus, now in native Libra, squares your ruler, Saturn. Time to break free of this and other lingering unfinished business by the Lunar eclipse in Gemini November 30th.
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Sun in Libra until October 22nd requires you to make adjustments in your career especially concerning legal matters. Venus in Virgo in trine with the heavyweights Jupiter, Saturn (your ruler), and Pluto in Capricorn ignites romance the month of October. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio October 13th till it goes direct in Libra November 3rd has you feeling that you are not making progress. Venus opposing your ruler Uranus retrograde in Taurus November 27th shakes up your happy home.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) The Sun in Libra until October 22nd attracts power. Mars retrograde in Aries boosts finances and expansion until November 14th when expenses rise. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio until October 28th gives mental clarity for professional alliances in publishing or education that can influence great change for success. You are beginning to use the things you’ve learned to make changes in the world. Neptune, your ruler, retrograde in its native position until November 29th continues to energize your spiritual side in a quest to unlock the mysteries of life.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Full Moon in Aries October 1st brings a fresh approach to relationships and partnerships with the energy of Sun in Libra until October 22nd. Native Mars retrograde in its domicile, you’ll refine the kind of partner you wish to become. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio October 13th seasons your relationship with money while Uranus retrograde in Taurus creates a change in your source of income. Sun in Scorpio October 23rd into the beginning of November, you are unstoppable in achieving all your goals. Mars turns direct in Aries November 15th supports long-term success. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Venus, your ruler in its fall in Virgo trines Jupiter and squares, Saturn, and Pluto, the heavyweights in earthy Capricorn. Joint finances or inheritances can be problematic throughout October. You cannot meet the needs of everyone and help is needed. Travel helps you gain new prospective with the new moon in Scorpio November 15th. The Sun in Scorpio facing Taurus highlights competition and the importance of partnership until November 21st. Mars in Aries brings tension to undermine your self-confidence.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) October brings a renewed sense of creativity and self-improvement with the Sun in Libra till October 22nd, but with many delays as Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio October 13th. You want time for your needs rather than your partner’s during the new Moon in Libra October 16th. Joint finances, coworkers, and significant others are highlighted as the Sun moves into Scorpio October 23rd. Uranus retrograde in Taurus, reminds you to be prepared for major life shifts. Sign contracts after Mercury goes direct in Libra November 3rd. All is well by the Lunar eclipse in Gemini November 30th.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) After the full Moon in Aries October 1st is a time for renewing family bonds. Networking pays off with the Sun in Libra until October 22nd. You finally make the connection that you have kept secret as the Sun enters Scorpio October 23rd. Social plans are delayed with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio October 13th. Mars still retrograde in Aries will shake up your career until Mars turns direct November 14th. The heavyweights in Capricorn, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto with aspects to Venus bring changes to your relationship or marriage. The Lunar eclipse in Gemini November 30th has you contemplating life’s duality.
Leo (July 23-August 22) October you expand your networking and have renewed confidence in your plans. A surprise financial bonus could be yours with Venus in Virgo October 10th to November 9th. New Moon in Libra October 16th inspires you to deepen bonds with partners and lovers. Sun in Libra until October 22nd escalates family pressures but you overcome this with your usual optimism. Mercury retrograde in Scorpio October 13th brings frustrations or delays to projects until Mercury turns direct in Libra November 3rd. With Mars in Aries direct November 13th, you’ll be successfully completing long-term projects by month’s end.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) October brings in renewal for life, travel, advancement, and communication. That joie de vivre that you have been missing for a while, will return. Venus in Virgo October 6th brings lighthearted pleasures as you are very charismatic. The Sun in Libra until October 22nd brings monetary increases. Mercury, your ruler, retrograde in Scorpio October 13th brings analytical changes. Travels are fruitful. Mercury (now direct) and Venus in Libra the beginning of November brings continued growth to finances. You are on a path to be highly influential in situations requiring change.