As published in Posh Seven Magazine
Libra (September 23-October 22) September you are the creator of your own development until November 1. People will enter your life from unexpected places. Look for a bit of luck coming your way through the end of October as you celebrate another journey around the sun. A focus on intense personal issues and financial situations are examined October 27th. November you’re reaping what you’ve sown over the last 12 years as Venus enters powerful Scorpio.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) New moon in Scorpio the end of October will have some impact on all your close relationships. Mars position brings tensions with partners. Look for new job offers into early October. Your Jupiter transit the end of November brings a whole new phase for personal development that could help you for the next decade. Great insights will help you celebrate your birthday!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) October is an excellent time to provide leadership in group activities as you follow your dreams. The new moon October 27th provides a time to start new and exciting projects. A change of direction for plans made earlier this year comes in late November. Try to gain favor with those who have a say in your future affairs as diplomacy is key.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) October 4, Mars enters Libra, creating tensions into the middle of November. This is a fragile period for couples. Care must be taken to maintain family harmony. The sextile of Saturn and Neptune the middle of November brings cooperation and an aspect for dreams to manifest into reality. This is just the beginning especially in your professional capacity. During Mercury retrograde with Mars in Scorpio, November 19, take care with your health.
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Saturn direct in Capricorn makes success a slower process with patience needed. Saturn’s sextile to Neptune mid-November creates a period of cooperation and manifesting dreams. Those projects that you were working on in January and June will take shape. It’s just the beginning as a financial situation (or legal issues around family) will improve greatly.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) Mid-October into November you’ll be looking at ways to transform your life. This might throw you for a bit of a loop as Uranus is on the move. Saturn’s sextile to Neptune mid-November brings structure to derailed projects and misunderstandings. Neptune, one of your ruling planets, goes direct in Pisces November 27. On your current path, you might find the independence you so value.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Expect big opportunities to present themselves either before, or around October 27th. A lot of attention is on your personal property. October 24, relationships and partnerships are a major focus in how they enrich your life. Mars, your ruling planet, enters Scorpio along with the new Moon after November 19th has you examining what you want to devote to relationships and with whom.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Your workload will increase along with your vitality. October 27th personal issues are illuminated. Usually you dislike confrontation, but relationships are challenging you. The passive docile bull you usually are might become the not-so-docile the bull with horns! Passions and desire heat up with Mars and the Sun in your house of relationships November 19th.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) With the Sun, Mars and the New Moon all in Scorpio on October 12th, it’s time for you to transform the day-to-day quality of your life. October finds you playful and working hard at home with decorating and entertaining guests. Consider a new workout plan or change in diet. November will bring power struggles as you try to figure out what is going on as Pluto opposes your Sun. Be versatile and consider how you’re able to adapt to most situations. You might need to wave the white flag of surrender.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The full moon in Aries October 14 sparks your imagination to journey into the unknown to follow your dreams. This harvest season brings great returns on your investments. November, Saturn brings earlier health issues back to the forefront. Look to foods that might be causing imbalances. Now is the time to overhaul your diet and start eliminating foods that don’t serve your physical needs.
Leo (July 23-August 22) You may increase financial gains as you work through the end of the year. The middle of October focuses on personal strength and family foundations. Partnerships improve in October. With the Sun and Mars in Scorpio November 19th you contemplate your physical and emotional states. Take time at home to process your inner-most feelings.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) Life is fairly quiet till mid-October when you land a job or other new beginning you’ve been seeking. Travel brings new relationships, especially around October 14. October 24th, heightens your awareness of your physical self and the need to take a break from daily routines. November has its ups and downs as things are different from day to day. Watch what you say at the Thanksgiving table.